CELL Farewell:“Ennyi volt! Egy tortenet a mai nappal veget er. Mindenkinek tovabbi sok sikert kivanok. Koszonettel tartozok: adi999-nek es a DarkSide-nak. Udv: BlackW00D, WEBSHiT, MagiaBoyz.”
Dear Sherri!Thank you so much for writing to me!Is comforting to know that there are people who are solidary, this minimizes somewhat our sense of fear.Even that we are so far away, our feelings are connected! God Bless all of us and the whole world!
Wenn es ein Charakteristikum für eingefleischtes Sozentum gibt, dann die Tendenz, durch »schön Sprechen« die Welt retten zu wollen."schön sprechen" = predigen?"die Welt retten" = Missionsbefehl?Sehen Sie im "Sozentum" wirklich eine Konkurrenz bei der Weltenrettung, egal ob die Welt gerettet werden will, oder nicht?
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I really love this idea. Has anyone found any that are for a submissive, not a slave? I’m having trouble being creative enough to modify it myself but I’ll keep thinking on it. I would just like to see others’ ideas :)
his name was Gaskin.This has been reported to the police.Yesterday – White truck with open rear body cruising around Eastcote today approx. 13.10 hrs – clearly looking for scrap metal.Reg No. P545 DTT – appeared to go in Stan Bird’s farmyard briefly then slowly drove along the Gayton Road towards the Dalscote/Gayton T- junction. Reported to the police.
Hang in there! We've been making applesauce like crazy since I buy too many when I go shopping each week. I sometimes feel like the "Time to make the donuts!" guy in the fall. :)
Totul arata delicios, chiar si urzicile pe care sincer iti spun, nu le prea mananc. Nu pentru ca nu imi plac la gust, ci pentru ca am un dinte impotriva, caci si ele au avut o data pentru mine. Mica fiind si jucandu-ma, am alunecat si m-au urzicat mandrele urat de tot. Deci intelegi de ce am sa refuz minunatia asta de mancare
2016年5月11日 02:42
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
2016年5月10日 22:46
سرکار خانم! شما می‌خواهید این‌جا ترکیه باشه، ما نمی‌خواهیم، ØÂالا خر٠ØÂساب شما چیه؟شمایی که چنین خواسته‌هایی دارید، ما هم داریم، پدر و مادر من نمی‌خوان وقتی پسر بزرگ‌شون تو خیابون می‌ره بی‌ØÂجاب ببینه، مگه نمی‌گی آزادیه، مگه شما آزادی نمی‌خوای؟ منم می‌خوام… خانواده‌ی من، دوستان من، هم ÙÂکرای من، آزادی می‌خوان، پس لطÙÂا مزاØÂم آزادی بقیه نباش، نمی‌خوای دین‌دار باشی نباش، لااقل آزاده باش…
2016年5月10日 12:05
CELL Farewell:“Ennyi volt! Egy tortenet a mai nappal veget er. Mindenkinek tovabbi sok sikert kivanok. Koszonettel tartozok: adi999-nek es a DarkSide-nak. Udv: BlackW00D, WEBSHiT, MagiaBoyz.”
2016年5月10日 02:08
Dear Sherri!Thank you so much for writing to me!Is comforting to know that there are people who are solidary, this minimizes somewhat our sense of fear.Even that we are so far away, our feelings are connected! God Bless all of us and the whole world!
2016年5月09日 19:39
Hey, killer job on that one you guys!
2016年5月09日 15:03
Wenn es ein Charakteristikum für eingefleischtes Sozentum gibt, dann die Tendenz, durch »schön Sprechen« die Welt retten zu wollen."schön sprechen" = predigen?"die Welt retten" = Missionsbefehl?Sehen Sie im "Sozentum" wirklich eine Konkurrenz bei der Weltenrettung, egal ob die Welt gerettet werden will, oder nicht?
2016年5月09日 02:38
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2016年5月08日 00:04
I really love this idea. Has anyone found any that are for a submissive, not a slave? I’m having trouble being creative enough to modify it myself but I’ll keep thinking on it. I would just like to see others’ ideas :)
2016年5月07日 19:31
Alright alright alright that's exactly what I needed!
2016年5月07日 12:01
his name was Gaskin.This has been reported to the police.Yesterday – White truck with open rear body cruising around Eastcote today approx. 13.10 hrs – clearly looking for scrap metal.Reg No. P545 DTT – appeared to go in Stan Bird’s farmyard briefly then slowly drove along the Gayton Road towards the Dalscote/Gayton T- junction. Reported to the police.
2016年5月07日 00:03
Hang in there! We've been making applesauce like crazy since I buy too many when I go shopping each week. I sometimes feel like the "Time to make the donuts!" guy in the fall. :)
2016年5月06日 12:21
Gee willikers, that's such a great post!
2016年5月06日 05:25
2016年5月06日 02:20
Totul arata delicios, chiar si urzicile pe care sincer iti spun, nu le prea mananc. Nu pentru ca nu imi plac la gust, ci pentru ca am un dinte impotriva, caci si ele au avut o data pentru mine. Mica fiind si jucandu-ma, am alunecat si m-au urzicat mandrele urat de tot. Deci intelegi de ce am sa refuz minunatia asta de mancare