There is a little know Fifth Law of Thermodynamics at work here. I call it "conservation of fat in the universe." If anybody anywhere in the entire universe looses a pound, someone else gains it.It was for sharing this secret that Dave Berry was forced into retirement.Anyway, rather than just parroting the traditional wisdom (which doesn't work), I'd invite skeptics to just try the diet and see for themselves.Easy enough.
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Dear Ralph at 8.20 amBill is being a bit insulting in suggesting that politicians and others are targeting inflation control with a total indifference to unemploymentI have a PhD student who is soon to complete a thesis on this very topic and has a large collection of official documents amassed over time and released under 30 year laws which would suggest that government deliberately co-operated with capital to engineer rising unemployment to undermine the power of trade unions.I would bet we could find similar evidence in many nations if we wishesbill
Its very inspiring when i see people like Mr Kelechi Obi who followed their passion. i’m currently in Abuja law school and i hope to be an award winning songwriter and novelist. i love ladybrille. i may not remember your name now but i still have the vanguard allure magazine where you were featured before ladybrille officially opened. you’re a bundle of talent yourself.
2016年7月11日 14:45
Hey, good to find someone who agrees with me. GMTA.
2016年7月11日 04:59
There is a little know Fifth Law of Thermodynamics at work here. I call it "conservation of fat in the universe." If anybody anywhere in the entire universe looses a pound, someone else gains it.It was for sharing this secret that Dave Berry was forced into retirement.Anyway, rather than just parroting the traditional wisdom (which doesn't work), I'd invite skeptics to just try the diet and see for themselves.Easy enough.
2016年7月11日 01:53
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2016年7月08日 14:23
2016年7月08日 14:23
2016年7月08日 14:23
2016年7月08日 14:23
2016年7月08日 01:03
Dear Ralph at 8.20 amBill is being a bit insulting in suggesting that politicians and others are targeting inflation control with a total indifference to unemploymentI have a PhD student who is soon to complete a thesis on this very topic and has a large collection of official documents amassed over time and released under 30 year laws which would suggest that government deliberately co-operated with capital to engineer rising unemployment to undermine the power of trade unions.I would bet we could find similar evidence in many nations if we wishesbill
2016年7月07日 17:18
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2016年7月07日 02:56
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2016年7月07日 01:48
Its very inspiring when i see people like Mr Kelechi Obi who followed their passion. i’m currently in Abuja law school and i hope to be an award winning songwriter and novelist. i love ladybrille. i may not remember your name now but i still have the vanguard allure magazine where you were featured before ladybrille officially opened. you’re a bundle of talent yourself.
2016年7月06日 17:29
2016年7月06日 17:28